Chap3. Trees¶
3.1 Preliminaries¶
- 树可以是空的
- \(N\)结点树有\(N-1\)条边
- 树结点的degree的定义不同于图。树的结点的degree是子树的数量
- 树的degree为所有结点degree的最大值
- 结点的depth为root到该节点的深度;结点的height为该节点到leaf的最长长度。具体的计数情况看题目要求
3.2 Implementation¶
- List Representation:
- FirstChild-NextSibling Representation:
3.3 Binary Trees¶
A binary tree is a tree in which no node can have more than two children.
可以作为表达式树(Expression trees/Syntax trees)。
- The maximum number of nodes on level \(i\) is \(2^{i-1},\ i\ge1\).
- The maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth \(k\) is \(2^{k}-1,\ k\ge1\).
- For any nonempty binary tree, \(n_{0}=n_{2}+1\) where \(n_{i}\) is the number of leaf nodes of degree \(i\).
3.3.1 Tree Traversals¶
- Preorder
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- Inorder (For binary trees)
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- Postorder
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- Levelorder
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3.3.2 Threaded Binary Trees¶
- If
, replace it with a pointer to the inorder predecessor ofTree
. - If
, replace it with a pointer to the inorder sucessor ofTree
. - There must not be any loose threads. Therefore a threaded binary tree must have a head node of which the left child points to the first node.
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3.4 The Search Tree ADT (Binary Search Trees)¶
3.4.1 ADT¶
A binary search tree is a binary tree. It may be empty.
If it is not empty, it satisfies the following properties:
- Every node has a key which is an integer, and the keys are distinct.
- The keys in a nonempty left subtree must be smaller than the key in the root of the subtree.
- The keys in a nonempty right subtree must be larger than the key in the root of the subtree.
- The left and right subtrees are also binary search trees.
- Objects: A finite ordered list with zero or more elements.
- Important Operations:
- Find
- FindMin/FindMax
- Insert
- Delete
3.4.2 Implementations¶
- Find:
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\(T(N)=S(N)=O(d)\), where \(d\) is the depth of X
- FindMin/FindMax:
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- Insert:
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- Delete:
- 删除叶节点:直接设置为
即可 - 删除1度结点:儿子跟上来
- 删除2度结点:左子树最大值或右子树最小值替代之
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\(T(N)=O(h)\), where \(h\) is the height of tree.
注意:如果删除次数不多,可以用lazy deletion方案,即将需要删除的结点仅作标记而不是真的删除,遍历时自动跳过这些结点即可。
3.4.3 Average-Case Analysis¶
Q: Place \(n\) elements in a binary search tree. How high can this tree be?
A: Depends on the order of insertion. From \(log\ n\) to \(n\).
3.5 Priority Queues (Heaps)¶
3.5.1 ADT¶
- Objects: A finite ordered list with zero or more elements.
- Important Operations:
- Insert
- DeleteMin/DeleteMax
3.5.2 Implementations¶
Defination: A binary tree with n nodes and height h is complete iff its nodes correspond to the nodes numbered from 1 to n in the perfect binary tree of height h.
A complete binary tree of height \(h\) has between \(2^{h}\) and \(2^{h+1}-1\) nodes. Thus, \(h=\lfloor log\ N \rfloor\).
Array Representation: BT[n+1]
is not used).
对于数组形式存储的完全二叉树,对于下标为\(i\)的结点(\(1\le i \le n\)),其父亲节点下标(如果有的话)为\(\lfloor i/2 \rfloor\),左儿子节点下标(如果有的话)为\(2i\),其右儿子节点下标(如果有的话)为\(2i+1\)。
A min tree is a tree in which the key value in each node is no larger than the key values in its children (if any). A min heap is a complete binary tree that is also a min tree.
Basic operations:
- Insert:
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- DeleteMin: 重点!
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- BuildHeap:
- 采用逐个插入的方式建堆,\(T(N)=O(NlogN)\)
- 采用先直接放置再进行调整方法建堆:从倒数第一个有孩子的结点
3.5.3 d-Heaps¶
All nodes have \(d\) children.
3.6 The Disjoint Set ADT¶
3.6.1 ADT¶
- Objects: Sets and their elements
- Important Operations:
- Union
- Find
3.6.2 Implementations¶
- Union:
Union by size/by height: 避免树高度过长问题。需要将S[root]
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\(N\) union and \(M\) find operations is now \(T=O(N+Mlog_{2}N)\).
- Find:
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